Ooops, I did it Again
I Launched Another Startup.
I Launched Another Startup.
@IAM_SHAKESPEARE only has one purpose, to put the complete works of Willy Shakes on Twitter, line by line. All 112,000+ of them. From all 100+ Sonnets, to King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Nights Dream… yeah all of them. Every 10 minutes a new line, 24/7/365. Should take about 2 years, 13days.. and finish …
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, on Twitter Read More »
As most of you peeps know. Ward Andrews and I made Suntweets many months ago. We have/had plans to take it further into more of a real time, live game -> social media hybrid experience. These cool cats at have now done it, With funding from Y Comb. Another Classic coulda, woulda, shoulda but didn’t …
Friday night.. I am coding, debugging the shopping cart code for purchase of upgrades to Thinking about how much time and money and diversion of resources and missed opportunity and stress and sleepless nights and… Startups are hell and joy, defeat and glory all at once. Nearly seven years and 4 legitimate (all money …
Damn it is hot in Phoenix. Kinda makes your brain mush after a while. Not to be a drag but already this summer I saw a boating accident in Havasu that killed a guy, ripped the front spoiler off my car (again), and lost the worlds best dog to liver disease and old age (12). …
So I have known Sean for about 4 years now.. And tonight at dinner the waitress asked me to spell me last name for the credit card tab I was running.. I say.. S T R E B E L. Then I look at Sean and say “Saint Rebel”. With a light bulb visibly glowing …
A few years ago we built a small business website solution based on wordpress called I am updating the brand and revamping the whole backend and will be re-launching the service as this summer. The service lets you create your own website, on your own domain name, with email service. It is aimed …
Really Facebook? Aside from the fact that apparently “2 of my buddies from scottsdale think I am stupid” they use the <blink> tag to shout the IQ rank of my friends to me.. Hey facebook app developers.. please go play in traffic. Facebook is on the backside of awesome and is speeding 100mph towards suck …
So I have been giving a few guys @gangplank a hard time for coming into the office wheezing, hacking, coughing and otherwise spreading their sickness around. Getting sick sucks.. but it happens. But it doesnt need to happen to everyone you work with. A couple years ago one of my employees came into work looking …
Took all of about 6 hours to fully integrate OpenId into using the widgets from RPXnow. Did not have to change a single db field. Most of the time spent was writing controller code to correctly handle what happens when one of the current 9000+ users decides to start using an OpenId. A bit …