Props to Parallels
The new version of Parellels is wicked nice. Way faster than the previous. On my 2.16 core 2 macbook pro it just screams now. Now the time I have to spend in Windoze land is a little less depressing.
The new version of Parellels is wicked nice. Way faster than the previous. On my 2.16 core 2 macbook pro it just screams now. Now the time I have to spend in Windoze land is a little less depressing.
Here is an idea I am putting out there: Think awesome social experiment. American Idol style text voting for US president. Set up a twitter like service and allow anyone to vote (1) time for the 2008 US president election. Prior to the election you let people vote on questions like “If the election was …
703 is a made up number, but about a 2.5 years ago my wife and I thought it would be a good idea to create a low-cost website solution for small businesses that could not afford the high end services of ObuWeb. Not a new concept. About a year ago my firm started using wordpress …
Go see a Short clip of the OBU Racing car.
This thing is so pimp. I have always used macs.. I got two older G4 desktops here in the office. but this thing is just awesome. And look, it takes pictures like this.
Whats the biggest mistake I made when starting my business, or as I would say it, greatest lesson learned? At Last Month’s First Annual Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference I was asked that question. Here’s my answer. (I am the second interviewee, the handsome fellow.) Hire slow, fire fast.
A friend of mine handed me this DVD the other day. I am very familiar with the concept, in fact I live by it. The DVD was interesting in the editing, and the entertainment like quality of it. Here are some simple examples of the secret. You get what you think about, whether wanted or …
I am getting better about the fact people actully know me before they know me. It happens more often now. When I go to local business functions or similiar, people I have not met, know me. “Hi, Joshua Strebel, nice to meet you” and they say ” Yea, I know you from such-and-such”. It is …
Get out and Vote on Tuesday.. Do it.. And in the meantime send this website to all your friends whom think the IRAQ war is about fighting terrorism.