My friend and entrepreneur mentor, Andy Fuehl, has written a little piece about real estate investing on the Wealth Blog. He mentions how he mentored with Dolf De Roos, who is a very accomplished RE investor and has authored many books on the subject, one of which he co-authored with Andy.
I encourage everyone to consider getting a mentor, for anything one wishes to accell at. My personal mentoring sessions with Andy, have paid huge dividends. My web design business is growing exponentially, and my real estate investment portfolio is getting off the ground. More importantly a mentor really keeps you moving, pushing you to succeed. Andy does not hesitate to provide a swift kick in arse to keep me moving forward.
So whatever you want to do, find someone who has done it already, and has done it well, and seek out their advice and guideance, your return on investment for mentoring services will be HUGE! Think of it like this, you can pay (like it did) upwards of $35k for a college degree to learn how to make $50k a year. Or you can pay $5k-$10k over a few months to learn how to make millions for the rest of your life. It’s a no brainer.